Monday, December 29, 2008
last saturday(27 dec),my mum,di n i went to lot one food culture for dinner. we took a 6-seated table and order our food. when i come back,my mum told me that an uncle like not happy when my mum told him that the seat is taken. i told her don't care lah!! while we were eating half way,the uncle approached us and scold us inconsiderate,3 people sit at the table and never let our seat to others(that isn't true,i let an auntie take away two seats from us as she insufficient seat). he was walking away when i stood up and answer him:"how many people you have?" he answer one and i said he not happy then fight lah. wtf. he said what i want? i damn tulan and answer that is he not happy first de and what he wan? he said he don't want anything and is we are at fault. i answer back:"you where one? we don't want sit with you then you nt happy ar?" then got a guy pull us away and i shouted:"now you want run away ar? no balls!!!! chey! a sissy." then my mum ask me sit down and i called my brothers n friends. mum ask me hang up and don't get into trouble. damn that sissy. then darling call to ask me relax and don't call my brothers. sigh. that damn sissy is lucky or else i would make him regret and suffer!!!!!(i am not a gangster wor. i very guai de. just that i can't take it people scold me in my face)
SLAMit.DUNKit 11:24 AM
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
i am really trying to change myself!!!!!!! but why does you all need hurt me again and again? its okay,give me time to heal my heart and the pain you all caused me. never mind. however,do all of you feel that you could scold me F***er? its rude n uncultural. i wants be alone now!!!!!
SLAMit.DUNKit 9:35 AM
Monday, December 22, 2008
hehe =) last saturday went to sentosa with my baobei. At first,grace and her__ oso coming de. However both of them can't make it as they have something on. so,my dear and i went to sentosa at around 2 plus. reach habourfront mrt station at 2 45pm and took the skytrain to sentosa. damn lots of people there and i hold on tight to my dear's hand(scared she lost). we went walking and took the blue line bus to the merlion park. walk to butterfly park and bought two tickets. my dear damn scared and hold on tight to my arms. =) she also kept screaming and i told her that this is not a haunted house. she damn cute de lo. scared of butterflu when they fly past her,scared of beetles,parrots. =) after that,we went to the beach and she build sandcastle with the Big Gulp i bought from 7-eleven. i kept looking at her as she is so cute lo. so innocent. =) i took some picture for her and she keep say "not nice de,take again" hard to please. by the way,she keep laughing and keep "blehh " me for no reason. =) then we went to vivo have dinner and i bring her home. sorry dear. let u kana scold by your mum. i m sorry.
SLAMit.DUNKit 8:27 AM
Friday, December 19, 2008

Why do people do things that they know are wrong, STOMPer ester wonders, after she witnessed an auntie taking the seat she had given up to a man with his baby. She says:"I was taking the train from Boon Lay to Paya Lebar around 2pm."It was non-peak so I was sitting on the priority seat nearest to the door."When the train reached City Hall, a man carrying a baby boarded the train."Upon seeing him, I stood up to offer him my seat."To my horror, the auntie on my left (also a priority seat) moved over to occupy my seat as fast as lightning and pulled her daughter who was standing to sit next to her."Despite her daughter telling her that I gave my seat to the man carrying the baby, not her, the auntie just told her that it was ok."The man with the baby was shocked and so was I, he then walked over to the other side and someone else offered him a seat."Later I overheard the auntie telling her daughter that sometimes people use their handphones to take pictures of people like her and then post on the internet."I think her behaviour is gross."Then they pretended to fall asleep, but not before the auntie popped a sweet into her mouth."Why do it when you know it is wrong?"I can't understand them."
taken from Stomp i really wonders why Singaporeans keep doing this kind of things like not giving up their seats to needy people and snatching other people seat. some even ate on the mrt. i mean if you were really hungry,then better go to the nearest food court eat or something. why bring food and eat it on the mrt? it just shows us how some Singaporeans are so inconsiderate etc.
SLAMit.DUNKit 9:10 AM
Thursday, December 18, 2008
today so sian as i keep read news n chatting on msn. reading about a treaty that is name after Singapore,father rape his daughter and teenage sex(not that i m pervert) but it is the headlines for today. then i keep wondering what "she" is doing at the camp etc. really miss her!! i did some work n record down the file number. the air con was damn cold!!!!!!!!!!! until i can't stand it then went to my desk n play com. so tired although i didn't do much work. pss...tell u all a secret...dun tell my dear wor...i slept at 1 am yesterday as i miss her and keep looking at our photos. shh..dun let her know...she will scold me de...she damn cute when she is angry de. really miss her. hope she is taking care of herself at the camp n enjoying herself..really looking to saturday when me,dear,grace and her stead going sentosa. i bringing $50 nia,as i no more money le. sigh. shall end here n go do my work le.
SLAMit.DUNKit 9:55 AM
Man used daughter for porn-->
SPOKANE (Washington) - A MAN who raped his daughter and posted videos of the abuse online before fleeing to China pleaded guilty in federal court on Wednesday and could face the rest of his life in prison.
Kenneth John Freeman, 46, pleaded guilty to production of child pornography and interstate transportation of a minor for the purpose of unlawful sexual activity.
The deal with federal prosecutors calls for a sentence of 50 years in prison, plus three years of probation, when Freeman is sentenced March 25. Freeman had faced up to life in prison.
Freeman said little in court except to answer questions from US.
District Judge Lonny Suko about whether he understood his actions.
Asked if his plea was voluntary, Freeman said: 'It is, your honor.'
Freeman was scheduled to plead guilty to state court charges later on Wednesday. He is accused of three counts of child rape, and has agreed to a sentence of 20 years to run concurrently with the federal prison time. He will serve his time in federal prison.
Freeman, a computer adviser, bodybuilder and former reserve sheriff's deputy, fled the US in 2006 and lived in China. He was on the most-wanted lists of the US Marshals Service and Immigration and Customs Enforcement until his arrest in May 2007 in Hong Kong.
The abuse occurred in 2000, when the girl was 10. His daughter, now 18, first told her mother about the abuse in November 2005.
In federal court on Wednesday, Freeman pleaded guilty to producing child pornography, and to producing child pornography and having unlawful sexual activity with a minor.
Prosecutors said Freeman videotaped the abuse of his daughter and distributed hundreds of images around the world via the Internet.
Freeman had been living in Seattle when he fled to Hong Kong in March 2006. He later lived for a year in the interior of China before his arrest in May 2007 as he re-entered Hong Kong. He agreed to be extradited to the United States.
Before his extradition, Freeman issued a news statement indicating he had written an autobiography while in custody.
Authorities seized the 400-page document, which contained confessions to much of the criminal conduct for which he was charged, court documents said. -- AP
What an awful thing to do to his unfortunate...the father should be jailed or hanged copy by:nelson the straits time
SLAMit.DUNKit 9:15 AM
How it happened 10 min-->
Teh Joo Lin and Kimberly Spykerman speak to the teenage girl who was involved in an underage sex case brought before the courts last week.
They started exchanging messages before taking their online relationship offline, going out in groups with other people they knew from the Internet. -- ST PHOTO: HOW HWEE YOUNG
SEX makes babies - that was all the girl said she knew about sex when she was 11 years old, the age at which she lost her virginity.
Now 13, she recounted matter-of-factly how she met her first boyfriend on the social networking site Friendster last year.
They started exchanging messages before taking their online relationship offline, going out in groups with other people they knew from the Internet.
Then one day, weeks after their first online encounter, she found herself alone at home. Her mother and siblings were not home.
She was online, chatting with the boy, then 16, whom she laughingly described as an 'Ah Beng'. He asked her out, but she invited him to her home instead.
'He said he wanted to meet me but I didn't want to go out, so I wanted him to come to my house. My mother didn't allow me to go out,' she said.
She was worried that her mother would call home to check on her whereabouts, something her mother always did when she was out.
The girl doesn't remember the date, but thinks it was during a weekend. Court details put it at between April 10 and June 30 last year, when she was in Primary 6.
Asked if she thought they would end up having sex, she said it never crossed her mind. But as things turned out, they did. He had a condom with him, she said.
After that day, the pair drifted apart. He was busy with a part-time job as a waiter. And he was, as she put it, 'MIA' or missing in action, for a few weeks.
Then she came across him online; he had logged on to an instant chat service.
'I was shocked yet happy...I just talked to him like normal. Then he just replied (with) a long message...and it ended. It was very disappointing.'
The girl spoke to The Straits Times accompanied by her mother and a social worker on Monday. She cannot be identified because she is a minor.
The teen is believed to be one of the youngest people involved in what is known in legal parlance as 'underage carnal intercourse or sex with a child'.
Her first boyfriend was placed on one year's probation by the courts last week. A second teen is also being investigated for having sex with her.
How much did she know about sex then? 'Not very (much) I guess,' she said. After some prompting, she added, laughing nervously: 'Sex make baby lor!'
Her mother then intervened: 'She didn't know anything about it!'
The girl thought that after having sex, the relationship would last.
As for what she now thought about relationships, she said: 'Stupid relationships. How can a girl my age last with a boy until marriage?'
Until she was counselled, she apparently did not know about sexually transmitted diseases, about getting boys into trouble - or even that it was wrong.
As for friends, she found her classmates too 'childish', preferring the company of older teens she had met on the Internet.
The girl, from a broken family, did well enough in her Primary School Leaving Examination to make it into the Express stream in secondary school.
She admitted to spending a lot of time on the Internet and blamed it for her current woes.
'You'll meet people you haven't met in your whole life there, you find it amazing...It's kind of interesting to meet them (in real life) because it is for the first time,' she said.
Her mother, who described herself as strict, would not give her daughter a mobile phone and kept tabs on her whereabouts when possible.
But she didn't reckon on the Internet. The girl got to know her latest boyfriend, another teenager, on the Internet too, earlier this year. Both mother and daughter declined to talk about this.
When her mother cottoned on to the possibility that her daughter was mixing with bad company, she started checking her online activities, screened her calls and stayed home as much as possible.
'Occasionally, she became a bit rebellious, but we were still very close. Sometimes, she would still kiss me,' said the mother.
Things came to a head in the middle of this year, when the girl did not come home from school. Her mother found out she had stayed over at a friend's place. It was the first time she had done so.
When she returned, her mother felt 'insecure'. She took the girl to a hospital for a check-up and discovered she was not a virgin. Police investigated and discovered she had had sex.
It was then that the relationship between mother and daughter soured to the point where they stopped talking to each other.
The mother applied to the courts for a Beyond Parental Control order. Asked why she resorted to such a measure, she said she felt that her daughter was in 'moral danger'. The girl was sent to stay in a hostel.
Her mother said: 'I felt the bad influence was already there. The best choice was (for her) to stay confined, learn rules and regulations, learn how to discipline herself.'
At the hostel, the girl's Internet access is curtailed - it is a privilege she earns if she behaves, and is to be used only under supervision.
Despite her confinement, her new boyfriend has pledged online to wait for her. She left messages for him too.
Asked about this, she hesitated before saying: 'I'll let you know when I've a chance to use a computer again...Can I not talk about it please?' the case
THE girl was only 11 when she had sex with her 16-year-old boyfriend in her flat last year. They had met on the social networking site, Friendster.
The pair had sex again on a staircase landing of a nearby HDB block around the same period of time.
The boy, now 17, was arrested and charged with having sex with an underage girl - defined under the law as being under the age of 16.
The girl is believed to be one of the youngest girls to be involved in a court case of underage sex.
The penalty for having sex with a minor is up to five years' jail and a fine of up to $10,000.
Community Court judge Roy Neighbour sentenced the 17-year-old boy to 12 months' probation.
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Latest comments
parents/guardians should make effort to check their online friends. yes, sex education in young age is good. don't be embarass about it.
Posted by: the_ultimate at Thu Dec 18 08:49:28 SGT 2008
another case of underage sex...sigh.....copy by: nelson The Straits Time
SLAMit.DUNKit 9:06 AM
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
today about 7 35am i reach her void deck and sms her to come down. i helped her carry one of her bags and she thanks me for that. we met my ex-officers and say "hi" to one another. then we waited for her friends as they were meeting up. at about 8 25,her friend came and i walked her to the school gate before leaving for work. she never even turn around and i suddenly felt empty inside. its okay. i am fine(i think so). when i reached the office,i switch on the com and logged into my facebook n play WW2 n mob wars. tonight is the first day without her and i don't know hw am i going to survive without hearing her voice,her laughter.
SLAMit.DUNKit 1:07 PM
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

i really wonder what the HELL happens to teens nowadays. i means well...they are free to do whatever they wants as both are willing parties but they can't do that in public right? it reflects bad on them and especially the girl!!! she would be accused of not knowing how to protect herself and "cheap"!!! however this might not be the case!! she may be crazy in love with that guy and wants to do things that make him happy etc. the parents of the two teens must be responsible as well...if their parents taught them properly about girl-boy relationship,this might not happen!!! the thing is WHAT HAD HAPPEN TO TEENS TODAY?? why did they do things that they may regret for live? what if the girl is pregnant n her parents know abt it? can the guy give the girl n her baby a good life? their studies would be affected and they might be expel from school!!! so why bother to think about "adults affair" when you are still young? those things should be kepp until you are mature and you could give the girl a better life,take care of her forever.
that all i got to say about this article which i copy from Stomp. thx n take care
SLAMit.DUNKit 1:15 PM
phew..i don't know why i am feeling so tired today.maybe is because she is going to e NCO camp tomorrow ba. SHE HAVEN"T PACK HER THINGS YET!!!!!!!!! what a slow n steady girl she is. haha. tmr i would be companying her till 8 15am then i would report for work.damn sian.hope that she would take good care of herself in the camp. btw its so UNFAIR!!!!!!!!! last time when we hv NCO camp,we didn't receive present!!! nw they got exchange presents!!!!!!!!sigh...F***,so stupid de.sigh. i m born in the wrong year!!!!!!!! =( would she take good care of herself? she is so cute that she won't even know what's wrong when someone did something wrong and would not scold that person. sigh!!!! can she take care of herself? nvm...she is still young...tiny tweety..haha...remember scold the person when he/she did something wrong
SLAMit.DUNKit 10:45 AM
Friday, December 12, 2008
when i took the mrt today,i m shocked to find that no one bother to care abt an old lady who had fallen down. i approach the lady and helped her to the bench near the mrt track. Singaporeans are so uncaring and unhelpful. so what if we have the best airport etc.? we don't even have the basic things like:helping others when they need our help,courtesy and let others alight first before boarding. all i cn say is i am disappointed in the way the people behave at the mrt track today. when will Singapore be like other countries where basic courtesy have been inputed deeply into them? when will S'poreans learn to be helpful and more caring towards the elderly? i admit i m biased here as not all s'poreans are like that. However,its true and no one could deny that s'pore really need to improve on its people.
SLAMit.DUNKit 9:06 AM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
well...maybe iz we do nt knw each other well or she hate me matter wat i do..her friends iz still important in her heart...she cn do anything 4 her friends...well its okae..cos i knw she iz born lyk tt..nw left me alone le..i knw she had shed many tears 4 me..i did try 2 change my bad temper..but...i juz failed...a failure in relationship....its okae de...she deserved some1 better...n who could care 4 her...she sae sat may go out wif me..but i knw its juz tt she treat me as a normal friend n nt her best least i still cn keep in contact wif her...well..guess tt i would nv wnt 2 go in2 another relationship again le...haha...nw could onli use laughter 2 kill away my unhaappiness n sadness..hehe...guess tt i m going 2 be a failure it in studies etc. tt all i hv 2 sae...see ya...
SLAMit.DUNKit 1:28 PM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
todae damn happy as i found the thumbdrive n ITS MY DEAR N MINE ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!! haha...hehe...pity i working..can't go out wif her 2 celebrate...all my fault...sry dear..i will make it up 4 u de...sry...dear going out wif her friends tmr n meeting me at jurong east popular after going 2 bugis wif her friends...sogh...wonder will she tc of herself leh...doubt so...she iz still a little gal....or a small little tweety...miss her...wonder wat she doing..dear i miss u..luv u...sigh!!! =( YIPEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAT GOING OUT WIF HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) GO SWIMMING N GO WEST MALL!!!!!!!!! =) hehehe...hahaha....
SLAMit.DUNKit 1:23 PM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
thx dear 4 helping me wif my blog..hehe...luv u!!! =) 2dae nth except arranging files,key data etc. damn sian lo. then chat wif darling on msn n we play viwawa. =) i keep losing lo. cos my dear iz so pro...beat me until i wet my pants...(juz an example,i nv urine) beat me till i plead 4 mercy lo. keep doing so many combos until my com lag...knw hw gd she iz le ba? dear so gd de lo. then she still sae she means i m a total loser lo. i m a rubbish? then she win me always 100+ de...example...i got 56,she got 210...sob....lose 2 her sia...but nvm...cos she iz my lucky star ma... lose oso nvm de... hehe =) dear 2 more days..... =) miss u
SLAMit.DUNKit 2:26 PM
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
damn sian lo at work. keep doing e same thing everydae. damn bored. my dear oso broke le. sigh hw sia? 3 more daes be4 cn go out wif her. sian. =( she keep treating me lyk a child when iz she herself who dun noe hw take care of herself!!! she iz e child lo!!! nt me. hv 2 get back 2 work soon le. sigh...end here le. bye. take care =)
SLAMit.DUNKit 10:48 AM