Thursday, September 17, 2009

To you Tammy:
computer language is where u write a programme for the computer to react to. that's all. btw there is a typo error when i write "breathe n breath ok!" and do u think u have the right to scold me sucker? wow~ then u are a FUCKER! No offense, just to rebute u on that. btw the standard of teck whye must be dropping as i heard u get A1 for ur english as well. i don't feel xia suay as well cos i feel that it is just a minor error i make in typing. u have nth better to do to keep harping on it. so enough le. u scold me and i scold u back, so that is settle le. no offensive language to me n u le. PEACE! btw if johnson really sae that to u n i misunderstood u then i apologise for that. cos what he told me is the opposite of what u posted. SRY!
SLAMit.DUNKit 7:38 PM
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Today wake up ard 11 plus like that then go brush teeth watch tv then eat breakfast. After that i stay at home and wait for mum n di packet lunch for me. They go lot while i stay at hm. lols. Bathe ard 4pm then watch tv lor. Dinner was at jurong west thr. the queue damn long de then wait abt 45mins then the food is served. After that, walk ard then mum pay for me shorts!!! ahah. Then home sweet home le. Dear nw at homestay n sleeping. enjoy! =)
Tomorrow going eat w sir fc n johnson, dunnoe need pay hw much $$$ sia. i scared i nt enough, i broke le lor. dun hv job!!!
SLAMit.DUNKit 10:34 PM
Friday, September 11, 2009
haha. just finish chatting with dear. haha. ask her rmb tell me the flight no, time, and terminal. hope she will remember. mucks. love u. she still ask me sms shirleen tell her. haha.
ok, so wat did i do today? sleep till 10 plus, watch tv, cook maggie eat again. haha. then bathe at ard 4plus lor. mucks. i am so bored at hm lor. sadded. sigh...nth else life so boring, keep stay at home.
SLAMit.DUNKit 11:06 PM
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Today 7am plus dear call, chat for 11mins then she have to go for her activities le. sigh. miss her so much. Then i watch TV then cook maggie mee eat. Dun knw why the maggie taste so bad to eat. Maybe is my mood bad that y taste everything also bad. After eating, watch TV a while again then go sleep le. I had a dream. I dreamt that i am in Japan too, lols!!! some more is with my basketball mates. Then i know how speak japanese. lols!!! =) then about 2 30 plus wake up then sms dear tell her i just woke up. Went bathe and now posting lor! Watching TV and eating chocolate!!! HAHA!!! i miss dear so much, she sae she will update me at night. I hope she faster come back and is well and healthy!!! DEAR!!! U enjoying urself there? Hv fun ba.... I dunnoe why i today so blur..keep foget what i am doing!!! Like cook maggie then forget switch on fire, cook hao le 4get wash! Sigh..i am so blur..
impt in ur heart as compared to ur
friends!!!! U sae will call me when u
reach hotel, will update me
every night!!!
U keep dun believe me!!!! ask me find other gals?? am i a flirt? if i am in ur eyes then just sae so and i will leave u!!! U kept
disbelieve me then hurt me, u sae will trust me de, in the end, u still dun believe me . i dunnoe wat u wan......i dunnoe wat cn i do to make u believe me.
BYE!!!!Dear iloveyouMiss utake carermb ur promises to me wordun let ppl bully u
SLAMit.DUNKit 3:35 PM
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I am upset now cos dear never sms me and update me every night. Sigh...nvm...sad now!!! I am posting of what i do today. Never sleep at all and dear finally call me at 10am..sigh...i hope she is enjoying now ba.. miss her so much. I cook for myself maggie then think of dear so the soup a little salty lah!!! Nvm. I slept a while the jui went bathe and go out le. I hate those who attack ppl from behind. I am attck by dunnoe who from behind when i go revenge my brother. I was being attacked behind my back and head!!! See doctor and he sew my head wounds. so head ok le nw!! Now back pain, the backbone like broken.
I am not going slp tonight as heart pain, back pain.....maybe will slp but is tomorrow morning then slp. I sms dear so many times yet no reply... =(
SLAMit.DUNKit 11:53 PM
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
currently posting at dear house. going to send her off soon le. going miss her very much. i hope i will sleep early too. maybe will keep play games till i am tired ba so dunnid think so much of her. i ask her to take care of herself in japan, i believe she will!!! xD hope she enjoy herself ba. i give her a letter and ask her read when she is on the plane. hope she will smile when she is reading the letter. i got put in extra something. =)) hehe. JAPAN IS SO BEAUTIFUL LOR!!! i am going to japan when i got married or even earlier ba if i got $$$!!! =)
dear take care of urself and enjoy urself hor! dun let ppl bully u. xD
dun let ppl take advantage of ur kindness. =)
dun get hurt!
Hehe. remember to think of me wor. hope u faster come bk, in one piece xD
I am back from sending dear off for japan le!!! =( when i saw her going in, my mind went blank and tears almost started flowing out, but i fought it back. Dear never reply my sms le. dunnoe wat she is doing right nw? how did she feel after reading my letter? dear i hope u will enjoy urself there and 4get abt me! remember ur promises hor! currently watch tv and eating to get dear off my mind but still fightning my tears back.....luv u dear...
SLAMit.DUNKit 5:16 PM
Sunday, September 6, 2009
SLAMit.DUNKit 10:14 PM
Friday, September 4, 2009
Your view on yourself:You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on educationYou may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
The right job for you:You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long
SLAMit.DUNKit 11:34 PM
Today suppose to go sentosa with yen ping they all de but i overslept. Hehe. so go boon lay meet johnson and his friends. Go eat my breakfast then they all went arcade play. After that, me,johnson,dexter and two others went the army open house 2009. damn fun there as we get many freebies(but not all). Went to the virtual shooting and go try the adventage place there exercise. Finally got a chance to play flying fox le, miss it when i am in npcc for sec 3 n 4. It is fun lah! haha. nt scary de, i juz run then off i go liao. lols.
if u wan break then break ba. enjoy urself at japan, hope u will find ur new love soon. if u tik u hv treat me better than ur friends, u need to think again. u show me ur fucking attitude but did u show it to them when u are angry? whatever....just want to let u knw, i am still deeply in love with u......nvm.....u won't believe but it is the truth....enjoy urself in japan ba...
SLAMit.DUNKit 9:58 PM
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Nelson is selling mooncake now, anyone who is interested, sms me or msn ba. =) got lots of flavours and all is delicious, cannot upload picture as there is some problem on blogger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! remember to contact me when you are interested.
SLAMit.DUNKit 9:26 PM
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

W14C friends give de!!! =)

dear give de present!!!!! :)Yesterdae is my birthday and teacher's day. i went back secondary school and wait for dear to be release. after that, went dear's house take my present and went back my own home. Open the present le then sleep a while jui go out. Went JP watch movie and dear is damn frighten!!!!! haha. saw jason so many times!!!!! =_=lll then after that went eat dinner then home sweet home!!!! =) love dear's present!!!
you all not happy then come talk face to face. dun kbkp. i wait for u all. call gang i also not scared!
SLAMit.DUNKit 4:41 PM