Sunday, February 28, 2010
Today woke up at ard 10 45 like that, brush teeth etc then online play games le. :) At 2 plus, mum and di go out to buy my younger cousin's present while i stay at home watch tv. Waited till 4 plus go bathe then go my uncle's hse at tenah merah(dunnoe hw spell). The whole trip take ard 1 hour plus sia...haha. :) Then reach there le, i helped out in the BBQ. WTF lor, only my parents and i bbq nia at one side while my ah gong and my uncle's maid at another side. Got a lot of people there but all nv help :( Then eat the cake done by my jiu mu's friend. :) damn nice!!! :) Ard 10 plus go take mrt home!!! Then went eat mac...hehe...damn full liao. :)
Finally receive her sms at 11 plus, but i ard after 10 mins then saw, replied her but she nv reply back le. maybe she is sleeping le ba...
SLAMit.DUNKit 1:27 AM
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Today wake up at about 10plus then watch channel 8, xiao ding tang then about 11plus go bathe and go my 4th aunt house to bai nian, eat my lunch at thr too. =) Then we bus-ed down to my 3rd aunt house and at there got many jokes lah, about me and my cousins' past. Keep laugh-ed at there. At about 4 plus, me and my family cab-ed down to ang mio kio which is my ah ma's house to bai nian. Reach there le then keep watch tv and then 6plus eat dinner. I never gamble!!! =) Haha. So guai right? I also dun know why lah, this year just don't feel like gambling, maybe is cos of some1 ba. Haha!!! At 9plus, cab-ed home also and i swear i will not take manual taxi anymore!!! The old uncle fucking irritating, keep *burp*!!! Then the smell is horrible as i am sitting next to the driver's seat!!! KNN~ If today is not CNY, I will sure kan him till siao de....but i think it is also not worth my breath ba.
SLAMit.DUNKit 12:54 AM
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Chu Yi And Valentine's Day!!!
Today went out with bao bei to amk hub watch movie. Supposed to go fetch her de but i woke up late. Sry dear! After that i go lot buy top u p card which costs me $28!!! WTF~ Rob me!!! Then we mrt-ed to amk. All the shops are closed except mini toons and some others. We go buy movie tickets then went down buy her cousin's present. After that watch movie then we go my hse for steamboat!!! Dear keep want me take food for her!!! You dunnoe hw cook meh? haha... after that she come into my room...*cough* please dun anyhow think. She came into my room use laptop to play her facebook while i am sleeping. haha. dear so irritating lor, keep tickle me to wake me up as she want go home. haha. Then i company her home, i also home sweet home le. Tomorrow going be a busy day, need rush 3 places....JY!
SLAMit.DUNKit 11:10 PM
Just finish countdown with dear about 2 hours ago. Lol. I am flooded with sms from friends wishing me happy new year, sry, i cannot reply u guys as my prepaid is low. =) Tml meeting dear go otu celebrate. Today eat steamboat at my house and play a few rounds of mahjong and poker. =) Win 50cents nia. lols.
SLAMit.DUNKit 2:13 AM
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
UT3 is coming le..this few days must stay back and revise MATHS le!!! Seriously, i am so scared of UT3, reason being, i skipped too many lesson from P11 onwards. Need to hurry up and catch up with the others le, if not UT3 sure will get bad results. Btw, i read the 6P for marketing and cognitive, realized i dun understand a single shit out of it....="( HOW!!!! MUST CHIONG! This sat is communication, i think read though will be fine le? Will pass? Sigh...sun need work, WTF!
SLAMit.DUNKit 11:38 PM