Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Here i am back to posting some disgusting DOG in my blog, even though it will pollute my reader's and friend's eyes. Eh doggie, you think that by removing your posts on my Friends, the matter will be settled? KNN~ What do you think you are? HumJi Nia! You can act big in front of your bitch and friends, but you are nothing more than an ant in my Eyes. And yeah! My eyes is bigger than yours too. So don't be a coward, once you post something on the web, don't remove it. By the way, you think your English is good? Erm...can i ask whether are you a Chinese? Cos from your name, it look like you are a Chinese. So why do you act like an English educated person to me? Oh, btw your "English" is nothing more than a Pri 6 student, or maybe worse. I think even my GrandMa can speak better then you?
If you happen to see my post, don't bother to comment on how my English sucks because i only get a C5 for my O level. :'( But i think at least i am better than you? Cos my Chinese got an A2,if you happen to get an A1, all i can say is that you must have bribed the Markers for your paper. Oh yeah! How can i forget, i don't think you have Money to bribe people too. Erm...what do you do for a living? Do you have any jobs? Shit, i forgot to mention that i do not have a job to rely on too. However, i can always take over my father's restaurant? If you are thinking i am born with a silver spoon, you are wrong again DOG! I feel that even without my father's help, i can win you in my studies! Have you ever received awards from the President? Sorry, i am looking up to you which i should not. How about receiving awards in your school? Top 10 in whole level? Top scorer in some subjects? How about joining competitions? Just for your information, i received 5 awards in primary school, 4 in secondary, in poly temporarily i got 2 awards. As for competition, i won the chinese compo at national level, scrabble competition for the nation. I think these are enough to make you feel ashamed? YOU ARE 21YEARS OLD FOR GOD SAKE, HAVE YOU EVER MAKE YOUR FAMILY PROUD? I think u do, that is be someone's else dog and lick people shoes.
By the way, those friends of mine who you scolded as rubbish, trash whatever, they are 100 times better then you! Do you interact with people as often as they does? Do you have many CLOSE friends? Are you sociable? 3 questions for you only, i can help you answer if you want. Yes, you interact with people often but in DIFFERENT LANGUAGES! :) Yes, you have many "FRIENDS" which are the same kind as you and PIGS! Yes, you are of course sociable as you make many "Friends". If you don't understand, all i can say is i am saying bad things about you! YES, I am BRAVE TO ADMIT THAT! I will never remove this post! Shoot me whatever you can. But one thing to note, both of you are the one that are wrong in the 1st place. We are rubbish then i think you all are worse then us. Reason being, i don't think your Studies are better then us! :)
SLAMit.DUNKit 12:46 AM
Friday, July 2, 2010
Sometimes i find that LIFE is full of challenges and it is up to us whether we want to face it a not. Of cos, different people will approach their problems in different way. Some will hide in a corner and cry. Some will appear to be happy and joke around with you but deep inside, they are screaming and feeling hurt. Some will show it on their face and once you saw them, you will know that they are troubled. However, it is still better then them thinking about negatives things and try to attempt to commit suicide. What's is the point of feeling hurt over something that have already left you and make you unhappy for the rest of your life? Although i know that it is difficult to get over someone who you deeply love but once a relationship is over and she/he had left you, i see no point in you to be sad and let yourself depressed for the rest of your life. :D Always remember that you still have your Friends, Family, and who knows you may find someone you love more and have a better relationship with.
UT is coming again, i find that time have been going so fast and my exam is back again!!! =( wth~ I have to study damn hard for this exam now as i have skipped too many important lesson(dear is going to scold me!) ='(
SLAMit.DUNKit 12:23 AM